Que Será Issue 00
Izel Villarba
This is the very first issue of my zine "Que Será". I'm giving away the digital version for free. Please share it for the sake of spreading amazing work by amazing people. I'm only asking for donations so that funds can be raised to print future issues. Additionally, I'll be selling the real version (in B&W for now) of this issue for $4 contact me if you want one and I'll bring a copy to you.
Izel Villarba
Gigi del Rosario
Tiffany Liu
Liz Francis
Autumn Hamra
Jephtaph Acheampong
Fraser Jones
Katelin Wagner
Sara Muslm
Zeke Foerster
Nwakego Nwasike
Fernando Acuna
Eliana Rowe
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