Que Será Issue 02
Izel Villarba
This is the third issue of my zine "Que Será". You can find the other issues at:
I'm giving away the digital version for free. Please share it for the sake of spreading amazing work by amazing people. I'm only asking for donations so that funds can be raised to print future issues. Currently figuring out logistics of printing, but once they're ready I'll be selling them for $4. Contact me if you want one!
Izel Villarba
Andre Wheeler
Cassidy George
Alejandro "Fish" Erminy
Sammy Lozada
Reid Ellingsen
Jade Wootton
Hannah Treasure
Zeke Foerster
Zach Eisen
Colton Fordyce
Blair Cannon
Rebecca Schuchat
26 MB
20 pages
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